
Personal Mastery

Why we've got to stop talking about "Work/Life Balance"!

Personal Mastery

Work/Life Balance doesn't exist - and while we continue to strive to achieve it, we are setting ourselves up for disappointment.


The phrase itself suggests a couple things that are inherent in the problem:

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( Posted in: Work / Life Balance )

What does it take to achieve Work/Life Balance? (is it even possible?)

Personal Mastery
Frankly, no. It's not possible - and we are causing ourselves untold frustration and disappointment while we keep trying to achieve it!
Why do I say this?
Well, think for a minute about the phrase itself - 
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( Posted in: Work / Life Balance )

Courage – an expanded definition (It isn’t what I thought it was)

Personal Mastery

We’ve all heard these definitions …

Courage is not the absence of fear, but the conquering of it.  (I’ve seen this attributed to Dan Millman)

Courage is resistance to fear.  (Thanks Mark Twain)

Courage is mastery of fear.  (Mark Twain again)

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.  (Kelly Clarkson made this line famous in her pop song)

In other words, grit your teeth and move on regardless. Tough it out. Toughen up.


A lot of people who know me say I’m one of the most tenacious, determined, “courageous” people they know. And I’ve always kind of liked this. I’m proud that I ‘hang in there’, dig deep and find my way through challenges.

My father (bless you, dad) had a saying that went something like this: “The real measure of a person’s character is how they handle adversity.” And I liked this too – for most of my life.

Whenever I was going through a tough time, I’d remember my dad’s words and think ‘keep going, Sandi – you’re developing character. People will admire you for the fact that you’ve made it through all this crap.’ And so I did keep going (though I’m not sure this really earned me brownie points in the admiration-from-other-people stakes).

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Success is about direction, not necessarily speed!

Personal Mastery

We often think of 'success' as reaching the goal, or completing the task.

Not true!

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Cleaned my Office ... Cleared my Mind!

Personal Mastery

I have a bad habit.

Being a visual processor, I fall into the bad habit of leaving stuff arund my office so I can see it ... so I don't forget it.

Bad move!

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What can you learn from dropping a Mud Cake?

Personal Mastery

It was getting late and I was tired.

The next day I was facilitating a full day session with a client, with a very early start and late finish.

The next day was also my husband's birthday.

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( Posted in: Work / Life Balance )

A somber note about the past 2 days

Only 4 days into my blogging challenge and I've already 'fallen off the wagon'.

I'm forgiving myself, though, as the reason i haven't posted for a few days is both sad and important.

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  • Work/Life Balance doesn't exist - and while we continue to strive to achieve it, we are setting ourselves up for disappointment.


    The phrase itself suggests a couple things that are inherent in the problem:

  • Frankly, no. It's not possible - and we are causing ourselves untold frustration and disappointment while we keep trying to achieve it!
    Why do I say this?
    Well, think for a minute about the phrase itself - 
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